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2025 Reading Journal Set-Up
Hey friends! It’s been a minute since I’ve shared anything on my blog. 2024 was quite the year for my family, between moving across a continent and halfway across an

2024 Reading Journal Set-up & Ideas
Photos and descriptions of my reading journal set-up for 2024. Including a bookshelf tracker, publication year and format tracker, and more.

Halfway 2023 Reading Recap & Reading Journal Flip
Somehow, the first half of the year is already over. You know what they say: “Time stretches impossibly on yet simultaneously speeds by when you’re grieving.” I don’t think anyone

Some Grief Musings on Mother’s Day
Some musings on grief and life after pregnancy loss & stillbirth, including a few ways that I choose to memorialize and mourn my baby in the stars.

Before I Let Go by Kennedy Ryan: Stillbirth, Grief, and The Resiliency of Love
This review does not contain spoilers until further down. Spoiler warning will be added before it. Emotional books about grief and loss have been my jam lately If you’ve been

5 Best Beginner-Friendly Tips for Happy and Thriving Houseplants
Spring is upon us! At least for those of us on the southern East coast. Nothing says spring like buying a bunch of new houseplants that you swear you won’t

2023 Reading and Book Journal
Photos and descriptions of my 2023 Reading and Book Journal set-up with lots of book journal spread ideas for those of you book lovers with reading journals!

Goodbye Before Hello: The Stillbirth of Oliver Flynn
This is part of my birth story for my first child, my son Oliver Flynn, who was stillborn in November of 2022 at 36w gestation.

Bullet Journal Workout Spreads and Ideas
I started biking regularly around the time I started bullet journaling, and I loved incorporating workout tracking spreads into my journal. While I mostly tracked bike rides at first, I’ve